A Manufacturing Roadmap for early success.

The startMFG methodology recognizes that many production managers struggle to implement systems effectively, often attempting too much too quickly. Unlike other systems, startMFG isn’t about overwhelming you with complexities; instead, it serves as a roadmap. This roadmap distills high-priority, results-oriented steps from various production systems and procedures, presenting them in an orderly, structured manner. It offers clear stepping stones towards a gradual yet comprehensive implementation of the same systems utilized by the world’s most successful manufacturing companies.

Why startMFG?

Our startMFG roadmap skillfully combines key elements from multiple renowned production systems, without overwhelming you with full-scale implementation. We focus on the most impactful aspects of Lean Principles, Just-In-Time (JIT) Production, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), and the organizational structure of 6S, among others, while also integrating essential basics like daily stand-up meetings.

Rather than adopting a single system in its entirety, our approach is to gradually integrate these critical components. This method ensures a sustainable and achievable full implementation over time. With startMFG, you gain a streamlined, step-by-step guide that progressively enhances your manufacturing processes, leading to a more efficient and effective production environment.

Structured Implementation

startMFG provides a methodical and structured roadmap, which simplifies the complexity of integrating multiple production systems. This structured approach makes it easier for production managers to adopt and sustain new methodologies without being overwhelmed.

Sustainable and Achievable Transformation

startMFGs focus on prioritizing the most important parts from each system and building up to a full implementation ensures that the transformation is sustainable and achievable. You can expect a manageable transition to more advanced manufacturing practices without the risk of disruption or failure.

Continuous Improvement Culture

With practices like Kaizen and regular stand-up meetings, startMFG fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Production managers will be able to encourage ongoing development, innovation, and employee involvement, leading to a more dynamic and responsive production environment.

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

By adopting elements from Lean Principles, JIT Production, TPM, and 6S, production managers can streamline processes, reduce waste, and optimize workflow, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in their manufacturing operations.

Start Here


delivery of goods at warehouse

Build a Reliable Supply Chain: Establish relationships with reliable suppliers to ensure a steady flow of raw materials and components for production.

Explore strategies for managing supply chains under the volatile global economy. Learn to select reliable suppliers, maintain raw materials flow and ensure production efficiency.

Factory workers training

Recruit and Train Employees: Hire a skilled workforce and provide comprehensive training to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities within the manufacturing process.

Learn effective recruitment and training strategies for manufacturing businesses to ensure efficiency, quality, safety and success.

Safety signs warehouse

Create a Safety Protocol: Establish comprehensive safety protocols to ensure a secure and compliant work environment for employees.

Learn the importance and implementation of robust safety protocols in a manufacturing environment, enhancing productivity and safety.

worker checking

Implement Quality Control Measures: Develop and implement quality control protocols to maintain consistent product standards and ensure customer satisfaction.

Ensuring high-quality products and customer satisfaction in modern manufacturing through comprehensive quality control measures are examined in detail.

documents on desk

Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses: Ensure compliance with legal requirements by obtaining permits, licenses, and certifications necessary for manufacturing operations.

Learn about the essentiality of permits and licenses in the manufacturing sector, their importance and how complying to these requirements safeguards business success.

machinery on pallet

Set Up Necessary Infrastructure: Install essential machinery, equipment, and technology required for your specific manufacturing processes.

Learn about the pivotal role infrastructure plays in maintaining competitiveness in manufacturing. This includes setting up the right machinery, equipment, and technology.


modern factory

Thriving in a Dynamic Industry: Adapting to Change in Lean Manufacturing Management

This piece explores the methods businesses implementing lean manufacturing principles might use to adapt to the dynamically changing marketplace.

Manufacturing automation technology

The Future of Lean Manufacturing: Evolving Trends and Opportunities for Management Professionals

Explore the evolution and future of lean manufacturing – how it’s transforming industrial operations, the role of modern technologies and strategies for successful implementation.

business chart

Becoming a Lean Manufacturing Manager: Essential Steps and Qualifications

Understand how a Lean Manufacturing Manager boosts efficiency and reduces waste in medium-sized businesses while promoting continuous improvement.

Manufacturing workflow diagram

Navigating the Path to a Career in Lean Management: Key Education and Training Requirements

Discover the educational and training requirements you need for a successful career in lean management in the manufacturing sector.

production process image

The Role of Certifications in Advancing Your Career as a Lean Manufacturing Manager

Explore how Lean Manufacturing Manager Certification fosters career growth, showcases demand-driven competencies, and bolsters continuous professional development.

Employees Brainstorming

From the Ground Up: Gaining Experience for a Successful Career in Lean Management

Explore how Lean Management principles can boost efficiency, eliminate waste and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Start Manufacturing the Future

Shaping the Future of Manufacturing Together

Based on Proven methodologies

Experience taken from the real World

Driven by a desire to bring manufacturing back to the USA

Innovate, implement, excel – transforming manufacturing one focused step at a time.


We provide a transformative roadmap, blending leading manufacturing methods for efficient, sustainable progress in every production step.


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